
President Victor Rosales and CUSMEX met with the State of Mexico and the Toluca City Hall to hold a forum.

On October 18, Victor Rosales, President of the Canada-U.S.-Mexico Chambers of International Commerce Council and representatives of CUSMEX, attended the Macro Event held at the Institute of Public Administration of the State of Mexico, where they met with representatives of the Secretary of Economic Development of the State of Mexico and the City of Toluca. Through a discussion forum, the various programs offered by CUSMEX were presented.

CUSMEX visits the Toluca 2000 Industrial Park to strengthen trade relations between Mexico, the United States and Canada

On October 17, the president of the Canada-U.S.-Mexico Chambers of International Commerce Council, Victor Rosales, and representatives of CUSMEX, made a trip to the State of Mexico to meet with local manufacturing companies to learn about and encourage local industries to expand their products in Canada and the United States through the Expand in North America and North America Trading programs.

Víctor Rosales, President of the CUSMEX Highlights Key Initiatives at Canacintra Multiregional Meeting

During his visit to Mexico, Victor Rosales, President of the Canada-U.S.-Mexico Chambers of International Commerce Council (CUSMEX), unveiled the Chamber's main initiatives and programs at the Canacintra Multiregional Meeting. These efforts aim to enhance international trade between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

CUSMEX promotes industrial and business development in North America during its Seventh Work Tour

CUSMEX promotes industrial and business development in North America during its Seventh Work Tour Through the Made in North America Program, CUSMEX has managed to bring together various key industry players and varied sectors from the three USMCA member countries. During this tour, collaboration visits have been promoted that aim to establish marketing programs aimed at supplying the various distribution channels in Canada.

Program " Workforce for North America"

The program is designed to give businesses in North America the opportunity to find workers in industries that generally have labor shortages.

The program where companies and workers come together for the development of North America (Canada, U.S.A., and Mexico)

The program is designed to give businesses in North America the opportunity to find workers in industries that generally have labor shortages.

Signing of memorandum of understanding between national chamber of transformation industry (CANACINTRA) and canada-u. s.-mexico chamber of international commerce (CUSMEX)

In a historic event, two of the most important Business Chambers in the USMCA region, Canacintra and CUSMEX, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Mexico City on April 27, 2023. The agreement seeks to articulate and develop productive projects that benefit commercial exchange.

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Canacintra Delegación Campeche , Peninsular Region, and CUSMEX

The signing of the MoU represents a great opportunity to strengthen economic and commercial cooperation between Mexico, Canada, and the United States, and to consolidate the peninsular region as an attractive destination for foreign investment and business development.

Strengthen cooperation ties for the development of the business and tourism sector in the North American region

Victor Rosales, president of the Canada-U.S.-Mexico International Chamber of Commerce (CUSMEX), paid a courtesy visit to the Cámara Nacional de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo (CANACO) to discuss the importance of strengthening cooperation ties between business organizations in Canada, the United States, and Mexico for the development of joint activities benefiting the business and tourism sector.